NEOS-MOUSE DRIVER ----------------- This little code example shows how to use the neos-mouse into a program. Neos-mouse has two modes, one of them is the joystick mode. If you plug the mouse while the left button is depressed, it behaves as a joystick. If you just plug it without pressing any of its buttons, neos-mouse will be in the native mode. This mode is far different from the mouse mode of the 1351 mouse. It sends its data in four parts, which are the nibbles of the direction information. It uses the paddle byte one of the SID for representing the right button. Left button corresponds to the fire button of a joystick. The code is loaded into $c000-$c1f8 area. You can execute it by loading it like load'neos-driver',8,1 and typing sys49152. You should be able to move the pointer with a neos-mouse plugged into the joystick port-1. If you press left key you can terminate the program. But, as you know you cannot use the keyboard when this mouse is plugged. So, you have to unplug it when you need to type something. The code at the $c100 reads the mouse, $c190 converts direction bytes into the screen coordinates, and $c1d0 moves the pointer. Sprite of the pointer is transfered to the location begining from $0340. I hope this little document is enough for exploring the neos-driver code. Ilker Ficicilar ---