This method helps to transfer PETSCII text in Commodore to Evernote over a RS-232 connection.
Evernote is a nice app. to organize notes that I use actively. It is also compatible with Linux under Wine emulator. In addition, there is an Evernote-compatible NixNote program, and Evernote apps. for Android, iPad etc.
I do use Evernote to keep my notes and tips on Commodore as well. And today, I've just found a practical way to transfer old notes in sequential files kept in Commodore diskettes.
That is to say:
* Evernote has an "Import Folders" option. First, we select a directory for this. I used, /home/ilker/cbm/ .
* Then, I connected C64 and Linux using a null-modem cable (with 3 wires: RX, TX and GND).
* I added the following line to /etc/inittab to be able to use Linux through C64. and, I executed init q to activate this new inittab that makes Linux to listen the serial port.
S0:123:respawn:/sbin/getty -L ttyS0 1200 dumb
* In the C64, I opened a RS232 port as in here: and logged in Linux:
100 OPEN 1,2,0,CHR$( 8 )+CHR$(0):GET#1,A$ 110 print#1,chr$(10);:print#1,"USERNAME"+chr$(10);:fori=1to1000:next 120 print#1,"PASSWORD"+chr$(10):fori=1to1000:next:rem upper case PETSCII chars should be changed with ASCII equivalents 130 print#1,chr$(10);:print#1,"CD CBM"+chr$(10);:fori=1to1000:next
(This code segment is not included in the program)
* I wrote a small program in the C64. The program finds the seq files in a diskette; opens them one by one; executes CAT > FILENAME command in Linux over RS232; and, dumps this SEQ text file onto FILENAME through PETSCII-ASCII conversion. At the end of file, the program sends CHR$(4) character to notify Linux, and this EOF closes the CAT command.
* Program exits after repeating this procedure for all SEQ files in the diskette.
* And, NixNote synchronizes the files in that directory with Evernote servers. * And, I happily watch 20-year-old SEQ notes appeared -beamed- in the Evernote in my tablet connected to Internet over WiFi.
* That's all.
I used the same program to transfer its own listing, as well:
10 rem seq2enote 20 rem sequential file to evernote 30 rem 100 open1,2,0,chr$( 8 )+chr$(16):get#1,a$:rem rs232 1200bps 8n1 open 110 dimi,a$,as(255),a,s$,d,ds$,z$:z$=chr$(0) 120 gosub520:rem prepare ascii table 200 open2,8,0,"$0:*=s":d=0:ds$="" 210 get#2,a$,a$,a$,a$,a$,a$:rem dir prg-start and disk name start 215 get#2,a$:ifa$<>""thengoto215:rem skip disk name 216 get#2,a$,a$:ifa$=""goto260 220 get#2,a$,a$:rem number of blocks. we don't need this info here 230 get#2,a$ 232 if(d=1)and(asc(a$+chr$(0))=34)thend=0:printds$:gosub570 234 if(d=0)and(asc(a$+chr$(0))=34)thend=1 236 if(d=1)and(asc(a$+chr$(0))<>34)thends$=ds$+a$ 240 ifa$<>""thenprint"";:goto230 250 get#2,a$,a$:ifa$<>""thend=0:ds$="":goto220 260 close2 270 close1 280 end 499 end 520 fori=32to63:as(i)=i:as(65+i)=33+i:as(33+i)=65+i:next 530 as(7)=7:as(13)=10:as(19)=10:as(17)=10:as(20)=8:as(29)=32:as(64)=64 540 as(10)=13:as(127)=8:return:rem petscii to ascii table 550 rem print#1,chr$(10); 555 fori=1tolen(s$):a=as(asc(mid$(s$,i,1))):print#1,chr$(a);:next 560 print#1,chr$(10);:return 570 s$="cat > "+ds$+".txt":gosub550 575 open3,8,3,ds$+",s,r" 580 get#3,a$:ifst<>64thenprint#1,chr$(as(asc(a$+z$)));:goto580 585 print#1,chr$(4);chr$(10); 590 close3:return 700 get#1,a$:ifa$<>""thenprinta$:goto700 710 return 800 geta$:ifa$<>""thenprinta$;:print#1,chr$(as(asc(a$))); 810 get#1,a$:ifa$<>""thenprintchr$(as(asc(a$))); 815 remget#1,a$:ifa$<>""thenprintasc(a$);" ";as(asc(a$)) 820 goto800 5000 rem functions list 5020 rem 520: petscii to ascii table 5030 rem 550: send s$ string in ascii 5040 rem 570: save seq file over rs232 5050 rem 700: listen input channel 5070 rem 800: simple terminal 9999 end 10000 rem ============================ 10010 rem = 10020 rem = seq to evernote 10030 rem = 10040 rem = sends seq files in a disk 10050 rem = over rs232 to a linux pc 10060 rem = for further import to 10070 rem = evernote via nixnote prg. 10080 rem = 10090 rem = (c) ilker ficicilar 10100 rem = ilkerf AT geocities dot com 10110 rem = version: 20141021 10120 rem = 10130 rem ============================
I don't know how to do this practically in Windows. It may be possible in the DOS mode using x/y/z modem transfers. However, a simple null-modem cable will not suffice (Windows requires RTS, DTR etc. lines).
In short, the procedure is as follows:
. Run the seq2enote program in the C64 for each diskette.
. The PETSCII SEQ text files in diskettes appear in the given directory in Linux as ASCII .txt text files.
. And, NixNote synchronizes them with Evernote servers.
İlker Fıçıcılar
Keywords: Networking, Linux, Commodore, Organization