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CBM Programs

Amiga Look Cartridge ROM Image for EasyFlash and MegaOne Cartridges
Amiga-Look is a C64 cartridge that mimics Amiga boot process.
Utility for C64 in Machine Language

ASCII to PETSCII Converter for LUnix
The unix2cbm converts an ASCII text to PETSCII with CR termination.
Utility for C64 LUnix in Machine Language

BASIC Dili Editörü
BASIC Dili Editörü, Teleteknik Commodore Dergisi'ndeki BASIC dili ile yazılmıÅY program dökümlerini bilgisayara doÄYru girebilmek için kullanılır.
Utility for C64 in Basic

C128 Autobooter for Easy Script
Patched Easyscript word processor for autobooting in C128.
Utility for C128 in Machine Language

C64 Türkçe Kernal ve Karakter Seti
Türkçe C64 arÅYivi içeriÄYinde Türkçe karakter seti ROM'u ve F klavye C64 desteÄYi veren kernal ROM'u yer alıyor.
Data for C64 in Data

Commodore Plus/4, C16, C116 Kernal with PET Characters
These, slightly modified CBM-264 (Plus/4, C16, C116) kernals include Commodore PET character set.
Utility for Plus 4 in Data

Commodore Program Döküm Eki Dosya Listesi
Commodore Program Döküm Eki'nde yer alan programların .CSV formatındaki listesi.
Data for Any in Data

DOS/Windows ASCII to UNIX ASCII Converter for LUnix
The dos2unix converts an ASCII-CRLF DOS/Windows text to a LF-terminated ASCII text.
Utility for C64 LUnix in Machine Language

Fast Math v3.2
This patch speeds up sin() and cos() functions of Basic 2.0 up to 10 times.
Library for C64 in Basic

Fasthead Disk Utility
Fasthead disk utility speeds up disk head movements to improve access time.
Utility for C64 in Basic + ML

Filepro 64 ile BBS Listesi Veritabanı
Commodore BBS'leri listesini neden Commodore 64'ümüzde tutmayalım ki?
Data for C64 in Data

geoPack 2.1
Packs/unpacks GEOS files for modem transmission
Utility for C64 GEOS in Machine Language

GEOS 2.0r updated with new rboot and config
Updated GEOS 2.0r operating system for the C64 and GeoRAM
Utility for C64 in Machine Language

GEOS 64 2.1e Kernal ROM Image
This new version of GEOS kernal is bootable from EPROM.
Utility for C64 GEOS in Machine Language

GEOS 64 2.1e Kernal ROM İmajı
GEOS kernal'ın bu yeni sürümü EPROM'dan önyüklenebiliyor.
Utility for C64 GEOS in Machine Language

GEOS Calendar V1.1
Y2K patched version of GEOS Calendar
Utility for C64 GEOS in Machine Language

Hızlı Mat v3.2
Bu BASIC yaması SIN() ve COS() fonksiyonlarını 10 kata kadar hızlandırır.
Library for C64 in Basic

JiffyDOS RAM V6.1a
RAM Version of JiffyDOS
Utility for C64 in Machine Language

LUnix Autoboot Disk Maker for C128
Autolunix program is a Basic v2.0 program to make a LUnix disk bootable.
Utility for C128 in Basic + ML

PETSCII to ASCII Converter for LUnix
The cbm2unix converts a PETSCII text to ASCII with LF termination.
Utility for C64 LUnix in Machine Language

RS232 Communication Library
Commlib2 is a RS232 communication package for the C64.
Library for C64 in Machine Language

SpeedCalc 2019
SpeedCalc 2019 is an enhanced version of the SpeedCalc spreadsheet program for the Commodore 64 and 128.
Utility for C64 in Machine Language

UNIX/Linux ASCII to DOS/Windows ASCII Converter for LUnix
The unix2dos converts an ASCII-LF UNIX text to a CRLF-terminated DOS/Windows ASCII text.
Utility for C64 LUnix in Machine Language

Using Filepro 64 for Keeping a List of Commodore BBSs
Why don't we keep the list of Commodore BBSs in our Commodore 64?
Data for C64 in Data

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