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GEOS Calendar V1.1

Title:GEOS Calendar V1.1
 Y2K patched version of GEOS Calendar
Filename:calendar11.cvt (Click to download)
Platform:C64 GEOS
Language:Machine Language
Size:14964 bytes
Programmer:Jung and Wedgwood


Y2K patched version of GEOS Calendar

Displays a monthly calendar. Provides a datebook to take notes for scheduling. This Calendar is a good companion for the DS3231 real time clock add-on for GEOS.

Patched by Ilker Ficicilar for the Year 2000 compliance.

After downloading this .cvt file into your GEOS disk, use GEOS Convert program to convert it back to GEOS file format.

Tags:C128, C64, Commodore, GEOS, Organization

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